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Bringing 5 Moments of Need Solutions to the Nordics

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The 5 Moments of Need®

The Future of Workflow Learning

The 5 Moments of Need® is a framework for gaining and sustaining effective on-the-job performance of employees and work teams. We are the world leaders in creating systematic and rapid practices for designing, building, implementing, optimizing, and evaluating complete learning ecosystems.

A 5 Moments of Need® solution enables learning in the workflow while people perform their jobs. It also reduces and optimizes traditional formal learning time (which requires employees to pause their work to learn).

The 5 Moments of Need® approach cultivates self-reliant, highly engaged learners with 2-click, 10-second access to just what’s needed, when it’s needed, to solve problems and adapt to rapidly changning work requirements.

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The 5 Moments of Need Designer Certificate Course


Earn a 5 Moments of Need Designer Certificate

This course will guide you through a highly engaging and iterative approach that addresses all The 5 Moments of Need. If your instructional design deliverables need to include performance-based outcomes, you will find this course extremely helpful and practical.


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Download a Copy of our eBook


The 5 Moments of Need | A Performance-First Approach

By Dr. Conrad Gottfredson & Bob Mosher

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Contact Us

Ormerudveien 59A
1410 Kolbotn

+47 906 77 866

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